How to Make Matcha Green Tea (Information + Recipes)

What is matcha green tea?

Matcha literally means “powdered tea”. Matcha has a unique vegetal, bitter, malty taste. Many have said it tastes like seaweed with its foaming texture and vibrant color based on green tea leaves.

When you order traditional tea, the leaves get infused into hot water and the leaves are then discarded. With Matcha, you’re drinking the actual leaves, which have been finely ground and made into a powder. You mix about a teaspoon of Matcha powder with a third cup of hot water (hot – not boiled), which is then whisked with a bamboo brush until it froths.

How is matcha different from regular green tea?

Powdered Matcha has 137 times more anti-oxidants as compared to the regular green tea.

Green tea contains very important nutritional elements such as the ECGC, catechin, theanine, caffeine and L-Theanine. The EGCG acts as an anti-cancer guide for your body.

When you consume, Matcha, the dose of EGCG becomes 10% higher, and it may significantly reduce your chances to attract cancer.

With simple green tea intake, you increase your metabolism rate by 8%. By drinking Matcha tea, the metabolism rate can be increased to 25%.

What is the traditional way to drink matcha?

It is traditionally enjoyed in a Matcha bowl without any additives. To appeal to the American palate many cafés add sugar to Matcha powder and steamed milk to make the trendy Matcha latte.

What are the reasons to drink matcha instead of coffee?

You consume coffee to receive a boost of energy with some good taste. Matcha is not advertised as the energy drink, but the good nutritional value provides enough energy for a calm day.

Matcha has a low amount of Caffeine and Matcha contains flavonoids that keep you fresh for a long time. Compare this to coffee, which gives you a burst of energy with 50 mg of caffeine per 100 ml.

Matcha is a natural drink. The popularity of Matcha suggests that people are looking a healthy change. After all, coffee or energy drinks cannot replace pure natural drinks.

You may be able to drink Matcha during pregnancy when all other highly caffeinated drinks are not recommended.

Why is matcha so trendy?

Most people prefer Matcha to the coffee drink because of the effect on nervous system. Drinking coffee may have negative effects on your heart.

Also, the caffeine in Matcha is fairly different than the caffeine present in regular tea and coffee. The caffeine in Matcha provides consistent energy while the caffeine in other items seem to increase your heart beat rate and disturbs the biological rhythm.

In recent years, Americans have shifted their eating habits. Preference is leaning towards more natural food as compared to the commercially produced foods. Matcha tea is a step ahead in our journey of natural eating.

All the health related blogs and celebrities are talking about Matcha tea. Starbucks has also played a major role to increase the popularity. The inclusion of green tea on the Starbucks menu, markets the drink to a greater audience.

How do you buy high quality matcha?

Here are some tips in buying Matcha:

1. Check the color.

Since all green tea types are extracted from the same plant, it is important to notice the texture, smell, and color of the green tea. The color of Matcha should be grassy green because of the presence of chlorophyll.

2. Check the consistency.

Matcha tea is a very fine powder. If the tealeaves are not in a very fine ground powder, you should not buy it.

3. The taste of Matcha tea is not bitter.

Sencha has a bitter taste, but Matcha should have a mild sweet taste.

4. Only buy Japanese Matcha.

5. Only buy the organic Matcha.

Avoid artificial additives to enjoy a fresh enhancing grassy smell.

6. Buy steamed Matcha leaves.

Fried leaves are not good for your health.

What is the best way to prepare matcha tea?

All you really need is a Matcha whisk, a measuring spoon and a bowl… but if you want to prepare it as they do in the East here are the full instructions for preparation. Gather the instruments or the apparatus.

Here is the list:

  • Measuring cup.
  • Thermometer.
  • Strainer.
  • Teaspoon.
  • Linen cloth piece.
  • Organic Matcha.
  • Bamboo whisk.
  • Bamboo scoop.
  • Matcha bowl.
  • The kettle for heating the water.

Open the bottle or the packet of the organic Matcha container. Take the Matcha bowl and pour some boiling water into it. This step is used to heat the bowl. Place the whisk prongs in the hot water to make it wet. After 2-3 minutes, empty the bowl. Clean and dry the bowl with the linen cloth piece. Now measure water in the cup. You should decide the thickness & thinness of the tea. If you want a thick drink, add 2 2/4 Tablespoons (40 ml) of water for one dose, add more to thin it out.

Now measure three scoops of Matcha powder if you want a lighter taste. Add five scoops of Matcha tea powder if you want a strong flavor. You can use the strainer to sift the Matcha powder. Measure the water temperature that should be 175 degrees Fahrenheit (80-degree Celsius). If you want to make a frothy liquid, whisk the bamboo in a “W” or “M” shape. If you want a thick liquid, whisk the bamboo in circular directions.

Whisk the liquid for 1-2 minutes. It should have a foamy texture and a bright green color. It should have tiny bubbles on the surface. You can pour the tea into a cup, but traditionally, it is preferred to drink it in the bowl. It has a very enhancing flavor that will keep you fresh all the daylong.

Matcha green tea latte recipe

This recipe requires a frother, but we are going to use the bamboo whisk. If you have a frother, you can use it. Here are the ingredients:

  • Green tea Matcha powder (organic).
  • Hot water.
  • Some hot milk.

The cooking directions are the same as the traditional Matcha. Clean a Matcha bowl and add two teaspoons of the Matcha organic powder. Add 1 tbsp of hot water. Whisk the water to mix the Matcha powder in the water. Take your time and mix it carefully. Make a smooth paste. Take some sugar and water in the saucepan. Heat the milk. The temperature should be about 175 degrees Fahrenheit (80-degree Celsius). Pour the milk in the Matcha paste. Use the bamboo whisk or the frother to give a foamy texture. Whisk it about for one minute. The delicious Matcha green tea latte is ready!

Fruity Matcha Smoothie Recipes

This one contains fresh fruits. It is probably the freshest smoothie in this list.

Add a full cup of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Add one teaspoon of Matcha with 1/2 cup of plain yogurt. You can also add sugar and some ice cubes. Blend for a minute. This smoothie has a beautiful color and a very refreshing taste.

Matcha Mango Smoothie

Take mango slices or 1 1/2 cups filled with mango chunks. Add 2 tbsp of honey or sugar syrup. Add 1/4 cup of plain yogurt with 1 cup of unsweetened milk in the blender. Finally, add 1/2 or 1 tsp of Matcha tea powder. Blend the ingredients and serve it in a tall glass.

Mint-Matcha Smoothie

Take 3/4 cup of almond milk or any milk available at home. Add two large peeled bananas, 2 tbsp yogurt, some water, 1 tbsp sugar syrup, one tsp of Matcha tea powder and some mint leaves. Blend the ingredients for about 2 minutes. This smoothie has a wonderful green/yellowish color and a nice fragrance. You can use chopped almonds and shredded coconut for dressing.

Matcha Green Tea Ice-Cream

Here is a great way to consume Matcha. It is also good for kids. Here are the ingredients:

  • ½ cup milk.
  • Egg yolks from two eggs.
  • 6 tbsp of sugar.
  • ½ cup whipped heavy cream.
  • 2 Tbsp of hot water.
  • 1 Tbsp of Matcha powder.

Whisk the Matcha tea in hot water in a separate bowl. Prepare the thick paste and put it aside. Whisk the egg yolks in a pan and add milk and sugar. Heat the pan over medium heat. Keep mixing to have consistent thickness. Remove the pan and put it in cold water. Set it aside and let it cool. Add the green tea powder in the egg combinations. Freeze it. Serve when it is frozen.

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