17 Interesting Facts about Coffee that You Probably Didn’t Know

Who first invented coffee?

According to legends revolving around coffee, Kaldi, an Ethiopian shepherd discovered his goats joyously dancing around a dark green leafy shrub. The shrub also had bright red cherries. Kaldi was convinced that the bright red cherries were what caused his goats to experience a peculiar euphoria, because he also tried them himself and discovered their powerful and stimulating effects.

When the monks learned about the effects of the bright red cherries, they also started to use these to stay awake every time they needed to spend long hours praying. These were also distributed to other monasteries, triggering the birth of coffee.

However, there is also another version of how coffee started. There is botanical evidence that indicate it started in the plateaus of Central Ethiopia. Somehow, it must have spread to Yemen where its cultivation started; this took place in the 6th century. Right after the first coffee houses were introduced in Mecca and Cairo, the drink turned into a passion, instead of just a stimulant.

Who first cultivated coffee?

According to studies, it was also the Arabs who were the first ones to cultivate and trade coffee. During the 15th century, it was already cultivated in the Yemeni region of Arabia. Its popularity spread to Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and Persia by 16th century. Aside from being enjoyed regularly at home, coffee was also consumed by many in public coffee houses.

In Arabia, these coffee houses are known as qahveh khaneh. They started to sprout in areas found across the Near East. Coffee houses continued to become popular. People frequented them to socialize and enjoy each other’s company.

Aside from drinking coffee and engaging in conversations, those who frequented the coffee houses also watched performers, listened to music, and got updated regarding the most recent news. These activities quickly transformed the coffee houses into important centers when it comes to exchanging information. This is the reason why people during those times referred to the coffee houses as the “schools of the wise”.

Because thousands of pilgrims from different parts of the world visited Mecca, the holy city, yearly, the popularity of coffee spread to other countries. To ensure that they maintained the full monopoly on trading coffee, the Arabians closely guarded their cultivation and production.

When did coffee come to Europe?

European travelers who went to the Near East spread the stories about the unique dark black beverage. This is the reason why during the 17th century, coffee started to make its way to European countries. However, there were also opponents of the drink who were overly cautious, and often called it “Satan’s bitter invention”.

Coffee came to Venice in 1615, but the clergy in the area condemned it. There were so many controversies regarding the drink that Pope Clement VIII received a request for his intervention.

However, before the Pope made his decision, he tasted the drink. He liked it, causing the drink to gain Papal approval. Regardless of the many controversies about coffees that revolve in major cities of Holland, Germany, France, Austria and England, several coffee houses were still built and they quickly became centers of communication and various social activities.

In the middle of the 17th century, more than 300 coffee houses sprouted in London, most of them attracted patrons like brokers, artists, shippers, and merchants who had similar interests.

Is coffee grounds good for skin?

Moist coffee grounds are good for the skin. They can actually exfoliate the skin by just applying them to your face at least two times per week. This habit can make your skin glow. Just make sure that you don’t have allergies to the coffee grounds before trying them out.

Why is iced coffee more expensive?

Iced coffee utilizes more resources, which is the main reason why it is more expensive. The resources used in making iced coffee including the plastic cups, napkins, and double-brewing are more expensive and numerous than the ones used in making hot coffee. This is the main reason why coffee shops charge more for iced coffee.

How long does it take for coffee to wake you up?

The magic of coffee starts to work in as little as 10 minutes. This means that you can feel the effects from caffeine within just 10 minutes of drinking a cup of coffee.

Does coffee increase workout performance?

Coffee can boost your workout performance. It is because the caffeine raises your adrenaline levels and releases fatty acids. This can lead to improved athletic or physical performance.

Can coffee be considered a food?

Originally, coffee was a food, not a drink. In fact, people mixed coffee berries with fat to make energy-rich snack balls. They also consumed it as a wine by using the pulp of the berries.

Can the smell of coffee keep you awake at night?

The aroma of coffee is enough to wake you up. Simply smelling coffee can change the activities performed by some genes in your brain. This can significantly reduce the negative effects of sleep deprivation and allow you to wake up.

Does coffee make you happy or sad?

A study conducted by the National Institute of Health showed that people who drink coffee regularly are less likely to suffer from depression. A cup of coffee can elevate your mood and make you feel happier, and this is not due to the high that it delivers. Soft drinks can also give you a high, but there are instances when this high leads to anxiety and depression. Coffee can make you feel good because it contains antioxidants.

Can coffee make you smarter?

Your bloodstream will absorb the caffeine right after drinking coffee. From your bloodstream, the caffeine will travel to your brain. Once in your brain, caffeine works in blocking Adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter.

This will eventually cause the significant increase in the number of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, thereby enhancing the firing of neurons. This leads to improving numerous aspects in the functioning of your brain including your mood, memory, reactions, energy levels, as well as overall cognitive function.

Does caffeine affect physical performance?

Caffeine in coffee actually stimulates your nervous system, which causes it to transmit signals to your fat cells causing them to break down body fats.

Aside from that, it also raises the level of epinephrine in your blood. Considered the fight or flight hormone, epinephrine can prepare your body for extreme physical exertion. It stimulates your fat cells to break down body fats, which triggers their release as free fatty acids in your blood. This is when you can use them as fuel. It improves your physical performance by around 11-12 percent. This makes it beneficial to drink a cup of coffee thirty minutes before working out.

Does coffee cause stress and anxiety?

Contrary to what some people believe, coffee does not directly raise a person’s stress level. It does not cause you to become overly stressed, nervous or anxious. Coffee is a natural stimulant, which actually relaxes your mind. It does not directly contribute to stress; however, it also has the tendency to block adenosine production within the body, which is one of the most effective natural stress relievers, when ingested in extremely high amounts.

Can coffee give you insomnia?

Many people believe this myth because of the energizing effects of caffeine. However, this is not always true.

Note that drinking coffee allows your body to absorb caffeine instantly, but the body also eliminates it quickly. Right after consuming caffeine, your liver processes it. Your body will remove almost one-half of the amount of caffeine in your system within just 4-5 hours. In the next 5 hours, around 75 percent of your total caffeine intake will be removed from your body.

This means that you no longer need to worry about coffee causing you to suffer from insomnia if you drink just 1-2 cups of it every day.

Does caffeine burn fat during workout?

The fat burning ability of caffeine is one of the reasons why you can find it in most fat-burning supplements sold commercially. It stimulates the ability of your body to burn fat. It can also increase your metabolic rate by around 3-11 percent. However, there is a tendency for its fat-burning effects to diminish especially if you are already a long-term coffee drinker.

What does black coffee say about your personality?

Most black coffee lovers are usually leaders, not followers. They know exactly what they like and they stick to their own standards and preferences. They avoid changes and conflicts. Most black coffee drinkers also have a more minimalistic attitude; this means that they are not materialistic. They are also usually hard working, quiet, direct, and honest.

What does a cappuccino say about you?

If you like your coffee to be milky and frothy, and you prefer cappuccino over all other types of coffee, then there is a great possibility that you are someone who enjoys even the simplest pleasures in life.

Usually, cappuccino is the first kind of coffee that most people start with. Many coffee lovers even end up preparing a cappuccino every day and making it an essential part of their morning routines.

Those who love cappuccino also usually prefer to soften the bitterness in coffee; in real life, they don’t care too much about themselves and instead, they often go out of their comfort zones just to show how they care for other people, especially their loved ones.

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